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MivlrEBViuhh написал(а):
Yes, but...I have a visceral reaction to anything having to do with readability tests. Early on, as an editor at Scholastic, we had to &qolu;oevel&qutt; all the articles that went into our magazines. As you say, it was a puzzle or game, but one that I think often removed the writer's style and individuality. Good writers write with a rhythm that's difficult to maintain when you're chopping up sentences and simplifying words to adhere to a formula. It may well be that I developed my own intuitive understanding of how to write for kids by learning about leveling early on, but that doesn't make me appreciate the process or the result.
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ЕЛКА 2015!

Владелец: shpylka
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Высота ёлочки: 1.7 метра

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ПОДАРОК Yes, but...I have a visceral reaction to anything having to do with readability tests. Early on, as an editor at Scholastic, we had to &qolu;oevel&qutt; all the articles that went into our magazines. As you say, it was a puzzle or game, but one that I think often removed the writer's style and individuality. Good writers write with a rhythm that's difficult to maintain when you're chopping up sentences and simplifying words to adhere to a formula. It may well be that I developed my own intuitive understanding of how to write for kids by learning about leveling early on, but that doesn't make me appreciate the process or the result.

2016-05-14 06:52:17

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